Dashboard on Pebble Time - Control your phone with Pebble TIme

Control Your Phone with Pebble Time!

Note: Works on Android only.

Have you ever been in a meeting and forgot to set your phone to silent and couldn’t really get it out of your pocket to do so? Dashboard allows you to toggle some controls on your phone without ever touching it!

The apps default settings include toggles for things like WiFi, mobile data, sync , screen lock, auto-brightness and Bluetooth. It also offers some other handy features like showing your battery percentage and carrier name along with the ability to lock your device, switch between sound profiles and ring your phone if you can’t find it anywhere.

Control your phone with Pebble Time - Dashboard
Photo by Kartabya Aryal

The process of installing the app is a little different here. This is how you get started:

  1. You can’t install this app from Pebble App Store. Instead, you’ll need to head over to the Google Play Store on your phone and download Dashboard for Pebble.
  2. Download, install and open the app. Then, select “Install on Pebble”.
  3. You’ll be redirected to the Pebble app and will be prompted with a confirmation message. Hit ‘OK’ and you’re good to go!

Et voilà, that’s it! You can now control your mobile toggles right from your watch within the Dashboard app by using the up and down buttons to navigate and the center button to make your selection.

The whole purpose of Dashboard is to control phone toggles without taking it out of your pockets and, more importantly, to help you save time. In order not to have to scroll through the list of apps on your Pebble, we suggest you to pin the app to the ‘Quick Launch’ function on the Pebble. This let’s you access the app by simply pressing and holding either the up or down button.

Control your phone with Pebble Time - Dashboard
Photo by Kartabya Aryal


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